Episode #3

Million Dollar Weekend

According to Noah Kagan, the author of Million Dollar Weekend, I can only give up after my 100th rep, so you still need to listen to me for the next 97 weeks!

In this episode, I reflect on my projects and how I FAILED on all that's taught in this book:

❌ No pre-validation of my ideas<br /> ❌ Jump straight to the building<br /> ❌ Not leveraging my audience for my projects<br />

It's not easy to start something from scratch, and we can't simply jump straight to any idea. But on the other hand, we should validate things quickly and Noah gives very good practical tips on how to see if an idea has legs to be successful and how to quickly know that we are on to something great or not.

A very interesting book with practical tips, and I recommend it to anyone wanting to start a business.

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